Major SCOTUS Decision for Marriage in Obergefell v Hodges

Supreme Court will make an important decision in the ongoing same-sex marriage debate with the Obergefell v. Hodges case. Read More

What do the 2016 Presidential Candidates Believe?

As new candidates announce their bid in the 2016 presidential race, we examine the religious beliefs of the Read More

Shinto Festival in Japan Celebrates a Big Metal Penis

Celebrants and tourists alike enjoy games and delightfully shaped snacks at Kanamara Matsuri, a Shinto penis festival that honors Read More

Ramos D-Artist Video Screen Cap

Ramos D-Artist Releases Anthem for Assyrians “Under Fire”

"Under Fire" is Ramos D-Artist's anthem for the Assyrians who have through suffered atrocious acts of terrorism. Ramos Read More

Game of Thrones, Season 5 Focuses on Religions

Game of Thrones Season 5 is upon us and much has been said about the different religions in Read More

Ahrimani Enlightenment

Oklahoma Satanist Hopes to Hand out Book at School

In response to an Oklahoma teacher passing out Gideon Bibles to students, Satanist Adam Daniels requested to hand out Read More

Percy Sledge, Soul Singer, Husband, Father, Deeply Inspired by…

Percy Sledge passed early Tuesday morning, just past midnight in his home in Louisiana. He was struggling with Read More

Marco Rubio

How will Marco Rubio’s Faith Impact His Presidential Run?

Religion and faith are important elements to presidential candidate Marco Rubio's life, but how will his faith impact Read More


Marvel and Netflix Showcase Catholic Faith in ‘Daredevil’ Series

Netflix & Marvel teamed up to produce the critically acclaimed Daredevil  which features Matt Murdock, a Catholic wrestling Read More

Religious Freedom Discriminate

Texas Considers Amendments to Its Religious Freedom Law

After the controversies in Indiana and Arkansas, Texas is considering amendments to its own Religious Freedom laws, facing Read More