New Study Shows God Can Be Pushed Aside With Better Government Services

New Study Shows God Can Be Pushed Aside With…

Results are the same all over the world A study conducted by researchers of three universities found that Read More

GQ Magazine Doesn't Want You To Read The Bible

GQ Magazine Says You Don’t Have to Read the…

Internet Firestorm Over Calling Bible Irrelevant GQ Magazine is not known for controversy. Most of their articles are Read More

Should You Sit With Your Family At Church?

Should You Sit With Your Family At Church?

Analyzing Place For Faith Where do you sit for church? Do you have a favorite pew that has Read More

LDS Launches Website to Recruit Senior Missionaries

LDS Launches Website to Recruit Senior Missionaries

Both full-time and part-time missionary work is available. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has begun Read More

LDS Leader Cuts Holy Land Visit Short After Missile Strike

LDS Leader Flees Jerusalem After Missile Strike

President Nelson gave a speech at BYU Jerusalem Center Russell M. Nelson, the President of The Church of Read More

Pope Expresses Shock And Anger At Syrian Violence

Pope Expresses Shock And Anger At Syrian Violence

Pope Francis Calls On World Leaders To End Conflict in Syria Pope Francis used his Sunday prayers to Read More

Meet the Black Muslim Woman Running For Congress

Amatul-Wadud wants to represent working families and underserved voices. Tahirah Amatul-Wadud, a Springfield attorney, decided to compete for Read More

Disgraced Megachurch Pastor Bill Hybels Retires Early

Disgraced Megachurch Pastor Bill Hybels Retires Early

Willow Creek Creator Will Step Down Almost Immediately Pastor Bill Hybel has faced accusations of sexual misconduct for Read More

New Study Proves Religious People Are Most Trusted

New Study Proves Religious People Are Most Trusted

Religious people are most trusted, but for reasons that are not quite so obvious. A new study has Read More

TX Church Cleared $10Mil in Medical Debt for Veterans

Texas Church Helps Pay Off $10 million Medical Debt…

Covenant Church in Texas raised $100,000 for RIP Medical Debt[/tweetit], a charity specializing in debt forgiveness resulting in Read More