Marine Drill Instructor Given 10 Years For Islamophobia Abuse

Marine Drill Instructor Receives 10 Years For Islamophobic Abuse

To prepare men and women to serve in combat for the United States, a grueling training regime is Read More

Meet God's Private Police Force in America

Meet God’s Private Police Force In America

God's Army Carries Guns and Enforces God's Will “You come to me with a sword, a spear, and Read More

Scientology vigil in Hungary

For Scientology, History Repeats Itself Again in Hungary

Scientology is facing raids in Hungary reminiscent of what happened to them decades ago in Spain. WRN Exclusive Read More

President Trump Wrong Blame Religion on Diversity Visa Program

President Trump Is Wrong To Include Religion With Attack…

Diversity Visa Program Protects Immigration Populations When Sayfullo Saipov plowed his vehicle through a dense cluster of pedestrians Read More

Bullying For Muslim Students On The Rise

Bullying of Muslim Students At Record Levels In California

Muslim Students Feel Less Safe and More Scared The California Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-CA) Read More

Pope Francis Tell Audiences What Heaven Is Like

Pope Francis Describes What Heaven Looks Like

Pope says Heaven is not a "fairy tale." Pope Francis on Wednesday spoke about the reality of life Read More

Scotland Catholicism

Catholicism on its Way to Being Most Popular Religion…

Irish migration seemingly played a vital role in the religion's popularity. The Scottish Household Survey has produced data Read More

Scientology Birmingham

Church of Scientology Opens New Facility in Birmingham, UK

The Church of Scientology opened a new $5 million dollar headquarters in Birmingham, United Kingdom on Saturday. Birmingham, Read More

Hindus Praying at Bali Volcano About to Erupt

Mt. Agung has a history of eruptions Hindus in Bali have conducted multiple ceremonies at Mount Agung. They Read More

Hawaii abortion advertising

Hawaii Pregnancy Centers Go to Court Over Law Requiring…

They say that such a law violates their personal freedom Alliance Defending Freedom, a legal organization known for Read More