How to Determine the Difference Between Mental Illness and…

An exorcist explains how to spot a real demonic possession. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church Read More

Only 26% of Americans are Not Christian

Religion is losing its footing in the United States Gallup's ongoing research on religion shows that the influence Read More

Obama Puts an End to 9/11 Terrorist Program NSEERS

The end of the program will make it more difficult for a Trump-led government to create a Muslim Read More

In a Rare Moment, LDS Elder Conducts Opening Prayer…

Elder Todd Christofferson is one of very few LDS leaders given the opportunity to conduct the morning prayer Read More

Go to Church on New Year’s Day and This…

New Light Christian Center Church says they'll pay your rent or mortgage if you show up on New Read More

Slovakia Makes It More Difficult for Islam to be…

The Slovakian Parliament passed a bill on Wednesday that will require a religion to have 50,000 followers to Read More

Keep the Bible Closer to the Heart with Nano…

Give the gift of faith with the Nano Bible, a Bible so small it can be worn as Read More

Most Churches Avoided Talking About the 2016 Presidential Election

A poll found the majority of churches did not discuss politics this election season. The 2016 presidential campaign Read More

Answers in Genesis Claims New Research by NASA Confirms…

While NASA's findings may make a person feel very, very tiny, for Christians, this comes as proof of Read More

Meditation in the Big Noise: Find Your Inner Peace…

Buddhist street meditation sessions in busy areas of New York are becoming popular among New Yorkers, proving meditation Read More