Trump's budget plan seeks $1 billion in taxpayer’s funds for private religious schools

Trump’s New Education Plan Is All About Religious Schools

Part of his education plan is favoring private schools. President Trump released his budget proposal for the next Read More

Michigan Church Attacked for Conversion Therapy of LGBT Teen

Michigan Church Attacked for Conversion Therapy of LGBT Teen

The church's actions drew political outrage as well. Metro City Church, a Michigan church, was subjected to flak Read More

What is J. Cole's Religion?

What is J. Cole’s Religion?

The rapper showed through his documentary the many hardships faced by African-Americans J. Cole, the well-known rapper, during Read More

Mercedes Benz Apologizes for Promotional Post Quoting Dalai Lama

Mercedes-Benz Apologizes for Promotional Post Quoting Dalai Lama

The offending material was in the form of an Instagram post An apology was made to China by Read More

Paul, Apostle of Christ

New Trailer for Paul Apostle of Christ Hits (Sequel…

Caviezel reprises his Christ role in the film Jim Caviezel, the immensely talented actor who shot into global Read More

Google Home doesn't know who Jesus is.

People are Upset Google Home Doesn’t Know Who Jesus…

Google said that the answer was not provided out of respect Users of Google Home are befuddled to Read More

Explosion at Bodhgaya after Dalia Lama Teaching

Explosion at Bodhgaya after Dalai Lama Teaching

The bombing suspects have been identified Bodhgaya security personnel were alerted by an explosion caused by a low-intensity Read More

Russell Brand Declares Himself Closer to Jesus

Russell Brand Declares Himself Closer to Jesus

Brand says religion helped him maintain sobriety. World-renowned actor and comedian Russell Brand proclaimed to media he discovered Read More

Hitler Ally To Be Honored on International Holocaust Remembrance…

Hungary’s top lawmaker ishonoring Miklos Horthy On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Budapest's Main Parish Church of the Assumption Read More

Ten Commandments in Mississippi schools

Mississippi Dem Wants the Ten Commandments Displayed in All…

Only one part of the three-part bill can be allowed by the Constitution Democratic Mississippi Representative Credell Calhoun Read More