Lingayats Demand to Become Separate Religion from Hinduism

Lingayats Demand to Become Separate Religion from Hinduism

Congress supports the Lingayat movement to widen its voter base The Indian state of Karnataka witnessed a new Read More

MN Mosque

Terror Attack on Muslim Mosque in Minnesota

Bomb Explodes in Minnesota Mosque During Prayer On Saturday, August 5, a bomb was detonated at the Dar Read More

LDS Church Lobbyist Picked for Utah Legislature Post

John Q. Cannon will head Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel Lawmakers in Utah recommended John Q. Read More

Sacred Sites of the World Map

Human Odyssey ‘Sacred Sites of the World’ Map by…

Simon E. Davies, creator of our WRN featured 'Evolutionary Map of Myths and Religions', has created a 'Sacred Read More

sanctuary churches

Increase in Sanctuary Churches Popping Up Under Trump

Undocumented immigrants are not flocking to sanctuary churches, even though the number of such churches are rising rapidly. Read More

Muslim pilgrims worshipping for Hajj

Saudi Arabia and Qatar Battle over Hajj Pilgrims

Continue Conflict Between Arab Countries The United Nations has received a complaint from Qatar concerning restrictions placed by Read More

Controversial Christian Plaque Removed in Tennessee

Bible Passage In Public Space Sparked Dispute The police department in Knoxville has announced that it will remove Read More

Karen Armstrong Golden Rule TED talk

Karen Armstrong TED Talk: Reviving the ‘Golden Rule’ For…

Karen Armstrong -- Religious Scholar and winner of the 2008 TED Prize -- is a provocative, original thinker Read More

Huge Protests All Over India About Muslim Violence, Both…

Many believe the Central and State governments are complicit in the matter. Indian citizens all over the country Read More

Karen Armstrong: Don’t Blame Religion For Terrorism

Karen Armstrong examines the knotted history of religion and violence In a time when Muslim extremists quote the Read More