Texas Attorney General Marked a Hypocrite by Catholic Bishop…

Bishop Seitz asks the Republican to follow the example set by Jesus himself. El Paso Bishop Mark J. Read More

Schools in South Africa Will Not Be Allowed to…

OGOD wins against single religious teachings The Johannesburg High Court has outlawed single religion schools in South Africa.[/tweetit] Read More

Jehovah’s Witness Office Suspended in Kazakhstan

Religious oppression is on the rise. A Kazakhstan court ordered the Jehovah’s Witness branch office in Almaty to Read More

“Religion in Early America” Exhibit Shows How Religion Has…

New exhibit at the National Museum of American History is a tribute to America’s history of religious diversity. Read More

Baylor Elects First Female President

Livingstone's election comes amidst sexual harassment turmoil; refuses to accept that she is a 'fixer-upper' After the Unitarian Read More

Majority Support Gay Marriage, Even Evangelicals

Support for gay marriage has reached an all-time high; support for gay marriage increased among Republicans, Catholics, and Read More

Religious Groups Call Out Health Care Bill

The bill is being attacked for targeting the poor. https://youtu.be/d8lGUiB52YA Several religious organizations have sent public letters and Read More

Do ATMs Belong in a Church Lobby?

ATMs added to churches raise concern by some. The church is a place of worship. Many churches, no Read More

Supreme Court Takes Case on Religious Freedom vs. LGBT…

Does someone get to deny same-sex marriage services if it is against their religious beliefs? The question of Read More

Pence Appears at Focus on Family Event

The US Vice President attends religious right group’s anniversary celebration; promises unwavering support from Trump administration. US Vice Read More