Angelina Jolie Condemns Trump’s Muslim Ban

Angelina Jolie responds to Trump's ban on immigration from Muslim-majority countries. Actress and humanitarian Angelina Jolie came down Read More

50% of Anglicans See No Problem with Same-Sex Couples

Anglicans are changing their views on same-sex relationships. The latest findings of NatCen's British Social Attitudes reveal that Read More

Why Samaritan’s Purse Is Saving Lives of ISIS Fighters

Samaritan's Purse saving lives on both of sides in Iraq The humanitarian group Samaritan's Purse is assisting to Read More

Bill Passes in Kentucky Senate to Allow Religion in…

Kentucky lawmakers are closer to allowing students to express their religious beliefs Students who attend public schools in Read More

Over 500 Evangelical Leaders Sign Letter Against Trump’s Immigration…

Evangelical leaders from all 50 States sign a letter against Trump’s immigration Ban Over 500 evangelical leaders and Read More

Hindu Temple, Previously A Jewish Synagogue, Will Become the…

Jewish synagogue purchased and converted into Hindu Temple in Rhode Island. A former conservative Jewish synagogue in Warwick, Read More

Jewish Community Centers Nationwide Face Third Wave of Bomb…

JCCs hit with bomb threats for the third time a month. In the month of January, Jewish Community Read More

No, Most Refugees Entering the U.S. Are Not Muslims,…

Of the 85,000 Refugees entering the US in 2016, 61% were Christian. Thousands of refugees fleeing from African Read More

If AI is a Threat to Christianity, How Might…

The Catholic Church survived the Heliocentric and Evolution theories, will it survive an age of AI? Artificial Intelligence Read More

Watch Reza Aslan Slam Paul Ryan on Trump’s Muslim…

Islamic scholar Reza Aslan's video to Paul Ryan on the Muslim ban and his immigrant roots. Iranian-American Islamic Read More