Christina Figueres Credits Buddhist Thich Nhat Hanh for Inspiring…

Figueres says the teachings of Zen Master helped in Paris Climate Change negotiations A Buddhist monk and his Read More

Trump Blames Bible Verse Faux Pas on Christian Right…

Trump blames Tony Perkins for his "2 Corinthians" speech mistake. Donald Trump, in the course of his Liberty Read More

Is China using Living Buddha Database for Control over…

China Publishes "Verified Living Buddha" List. The maiden list stating the names of “authentic living Buddhas” was published Read More

Secular Coalition for America Hires Christian Leader Larry Decker

The Secular Coalition for America has hired Larry Decker to be their new executive director. The Secular Coalition Read More

Giant Church Shaped Like Glass Slipper Hopes to Attract…

A giant glass slipper tourist attraction church has made its mark in Taiwan Taiwan has a new attraction: Read More

Atheist Asks Marco Rubio if He’s Running for “Pastor-in-Chief”…

Marco Rubio tells an atheist he can believe whatever he wants and will not be forced to change. Read More

Richard Dawkins Islam

Atheist Richard Dawkins: Christianity Has the Power to Defeat…

Richard Dawkins now feels that Christianity could defeat radical Islam. Richard Dawkins, who is known all over the Read More

Hindu Makar Sankranti Festival: Traditions and Celebrations

Celebrating the Hindu Makar Sankranti Festival: A New Beginning. The Makar Sankranti is a Hindu celebration that marks Read More

LDS Church Leader Proclaims Mormon LGBT Policy is According…

15 LDS Leaders pondered, fasted and prayed to arrive at their LGBT policy. The current Latter-day Saints Church Read More

Marco Rubio’s Latest TV Ad Focuses on His Christian…

Rubio highlights his Christian faith in a new TV commercial campaign. Iowa is one of the most important Read More