People dressed in white eating on the second floor of a mcdonalds

Furious Muslim Family Accuses McDonald’s of Islamophobia

Bacon was put into the food of a Muslim family. A recent family dinner has sparked accusations of Read More

Evangelical Pastors Are Showing Their Support for Donald Trump…

Evangelical leaders launch a coordinated effort to save Kushner from media shaming. Jared Kushner, senior adviser to the Read More

Christian Groups Trying to Shut Down Last Remaining Abortion…

The OSA has taken belligerent means to close the clinic down. Kentucky is now an abortion rights battlefield.[/tweetit] Read More

Ken Ham Rainbow Ark

Ark Encounter Lit Up to “Take Back” the Rainbow…

Founder of Answers in Genesis aims to reclaim the rainbow symbol by lighting up the Ark Encounter with Read More

New Hip Hop Single by Muslim Activists Calls Out…

Mona Haydar's song attacks the difference between piety and patriarchy by Muslim males. Syrian-American Mona Haydar's new Read More

24 Evangelical Leaders Praying with Trump – Does it…

Critics say the separation wall between church and state is being chipped away. The White House Oval Office Read More

Evangelical Pat Robertson's Interview with Donald Trump

Evangelical Pat Robertson’s Interview with Donald Trump

United States President Donald J. Trump was interviewed by Pat Robertson, the CBN founder at the White House Read More

What is the Least Christian City in America?

A new poll measures Christianity in America. The Barna Group, a research think tank focusing on faith and Read More

First Muslim Same-Sex Marriage Took Place in Britain Last…

Love overcomes persecution in England. Recently Jahed Choudhury and Sean Rogan married in the town of Walsall, England. Read More

Tom Cruise Stops At Church of Scientology While Filming…

Tom Cruise takes a quick tour at the newest Scientology church in New Zealand. Tom Cruise, looking extremely Read More