Sharp Increase in British Jews Applying for Portuguese Citizenship…

Governments are compelling many Jews to leave Britain as a rising number of British Jews are seeking Portuguese Read More

Hebrew Charter School Network Receives $4.9M Grant

Hebrew Public charter schools were awarded a nearly $5 million federal grant. Hebrew Public, a New York headquartered Read More

Meet the Shinto Priest and Philanthropist Who’s Now Investing…

Who is Dr. Haruhisa Handa? Shinto Priest, Businessman, Artist, Philanthropist, Opera singer, Poet, Golfer, Calligrapher.... Dr. Haruhisa Handa, Read More

Muslim Woman Healed from Deadly Snake Bite by Jesus

As far as science was concerned, it was the end for her; for Hajira, however, it was a Read More

Pope Francis Wants Catholics to Focus on Jesus This…

The Holy Father reminds the faithful about Christ’s humble birth; advises Catholics to draw inspiration from Mary and Read More

This is Why Pagans Celebrate Yule at Stonehenge

Pagans Celebrate Winter Solstice at Stonehenge Now that Christmas is right around the corner, Britain is gearing up Read More

Pope Francis Sends Letter to Syrian President Urging to…

The Pope has urged Bashar-al Assad to uphold the laws of humanity in Syria through a letter sent Read More

Prominent Atheist Rob Sherman Dies in Plane Crash, Days…

Green Party Candidate Rob Sherman’s plane wreck was found in the early hours of Saturday. One of America’s Read More

No Gay Catholic Priests, Vatican Reaffirms

The document is a reaffirmation of a 2005 statement by the Church that gay men should not be Read More

Pope Compares Spreading of Fake News to Feces Obsession

"Disinformation is probably the greatest damage that the media can do," said Pope Francis. In an interview for Read More