BSA atheists must join unitarian church

Boy Scouts Lifts Ban on Gays, but Atheists Must…

Secular Coalition for America founder says Boy Scouts of America are condoning prejudice. 2015 saw the Boy Scouts Read More

Richard Gere’s Path to Buddhism

Richard Gere on finding his way to Buddhism. Most of the people who would recognize Richard Gere’s face Read More

Father’s Day Actually Originated from the United Methodist Church

Father's Day has its origins rooted in tragedy. All present day fathers should thank a United Methodist for Read More

Mel Gibson has Begun Working on ‘Passion of the…

The Passion of the Christ sequel has been confirmed, Gibson teams up with Braveheart writer Randall Wallace. According Read More

Ariel Pearse

Mormon Missionary is a Finalist in Miss World New…

Ariel Pearse has found a way to compete in the pageant without having to compromise her modesty. Ariel Read More

Gladiator Writer Will Challenge Muslim Stereotypes with Rumi Film

Rumi film aims to challenge the stereotypical portrayal of Muslims in western cinema Hollywood is planning to make Read More

What are the Motives Behind the Muslim Conversions to…

More Muslim refugees are converting to Christianity in Europe. The past few months have seen large numbers of Read More

First African-American Catholic Priest in the U.S. Could Be…

Archdiocese of Chicago pushes for beatification of first U.S. African-American priest. Augustus Tolton was born a slave. He Read More

Sadiq Khan

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan Laments Missing Coffee During…

New Mayor Sadiq Khan will miss coffee the most during Ramadan. Sadiq Khan, London's first Muslim mayor, a Read More

Ramadan China

China Will Cooperate with Muslim Ramadan Practices

China's government says it will not discriminate against the Muslim minority. The Chinese government said on June 2 Read More