Get “In God We Trust” License Plates For No Extra Fee in Utah

Get “In God We Trust” License Plates For No…

The 'In God We Trust' license plate is now offered as an option in Utah at no additional Read More

Mormon Missionaries Were Among Victims of Brussels Terror Attacks

Mormon Missionaries Were Among Victims of Brussels Terror Attacks

Several Mormon missionaries were involved in the Brussels terror attacks -- one man experiencing his third brush with Read More

Is the word “Easter” too Religious For Cadbury?

Is the word “Easter” too Religious For Cadbury?

The word "Easter" is dropped from Cadbury's iconic chocolate eggs that appear on shelves during the Easter season. Read More

Alabama Textbooks Maintain that Evolution is “Controversial”

Alabama textbooks will keep disclaimer saying theory of evolution is "controversial." The theory of evolution was first proposed Read More

State Dept. Expected to Declare Christian ISIS Killings Genocide

A report by two leading Christian organizations is likely to mount pressure on the State Department to define Read More

There’s Actually a Beard Balm Made Just for Devout Catholics

There’s Actually a Beard Balm Made Just for Devout…

The product all beard-donning Catholic men have been waiting for has arrived: Catholic Beard Balm. Add this to Read More

Simon & Schuster Launching an Imprint for Muslim Children’s Books

Simon & Schuster Launching an Imprint for Muslim Children’s…

Simon & Schuster is responding to the rising Muslim population in the U.S. with Salaam Reads, an imprint Read More

Johnny Depp Will Speak at Atheist Reason Rally

Johnny Depp's star power could mean more awareness and support for atheism. Johnny Depp, the A-list Hollywood actor, Read More

Pope Francis Calls for a Global Repeal of Death…

The Pope seeks moratorium on executions, based on the rules set forth in the Ten Commandments. Pope Francis Read More

Georgia Senate Passes Bill That Allows “State Sanctioned Discrimination”…

Georgia Senate passes anti-LGBT religious freedom bill. The State Senate of Georgia voted to bring in anti-LGBT discrimination Read More