
Lecture Series at UPenn Analyzes Religious Experiences from Psychoanalytic…

Religion From a Psychological Perspective: From Miracles to Mindfulness Lecture Series at University of Pennsylvania. It can be Read More

What does the LDS Church think about Marijuana in…

LDS stresses state should balance between the medical needs and responsible control. Two bills have been presented to Read More

Everything’s Bigger in Texas – See the Largest Cross…

America's largest cross will be built in Corpus Christi, Texas. If everything goes as planned, Corpus Christi in Read More

New Hampshire Exit Poll Shows 2/3rds of Republicans Support Muslim Ban

New Hampshire Exit Poll Shows 2/3rds of Republicans Support…

Most New Hampshire GOP voters favor Trump’s call for Muslim ban. The New Hampshire primaries spewed out one Read More

Joel Osteen talks God and new Book with Stephen Colbert

Joel Osteen talks God and new Book with Stephen…

Joel Osteen and Stephen Colbert talk about theology. The founder of the biggest church in the United States Read More

Anti-Islam Movement PEGIDA Protests Across Europe

Anti-Islam Movement PEGIDA Protests Across Europe

Droves of new immigrants in Europe are creating tension and unrest throughout the continent. The arrival of thousands Read More

Marco Rubio Slams Obama’s Speech On Fighting Islamophobia

Obama aims to divide the American population for votes, says Rubio Senator Marco Rubio, presidential hopeful from the Read More

Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster

Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster Finally an Official Denomination…

Netherlands’ Chamber of Commerce has finally acknowledged the Church of Flying Spaghetti as an official denomination After the Read More

Pope Sweden

Pope Francis Heading to Sweden to Celebrate Reformation

The Pope Will Attend the 500th Anniversary of Reformation in Sweden In an effort to forge Christian unity, Read More

“Japanese Schindler” Who Saved 6,000 Jews During WWII Featured…

Movie focused on "Japanese Schindler" who saved 6,000 lives will debut January 31, 2016. At a time when Read More