Bakers Who Refused Same-Sex Couple Now Refuse to Pay…

Sweet Cakes by Melissa owners refuse to pay $135,000 settlement despite raising $500,000 for legal fees. Laurel Bowman Read More

Tennessee County Doesn’t Want Same-Sex Marriages Cuz it Fears…

Tennessee's Blount County apologizes to God for same-sex marriage. In a recent incident in Blount County, Tennessee, the Read More

Pope Francis Emphasized the Value of Family During U.S.…

“In families there are always difficulties, but those difficulties are overcome by love." -Pope Francis During his attendance Read More

U.S. Capitol Introducing Billy Graham Statue to Honor His…

Billy Graham’s statue was approved by NC legislature and will be displayed in Washington D.C. after his death. Read More

A Sikh Man’s Experience at International Peace Day hosted…

Dya Singh recounts the interfaith Melbourne International Peace Day event hosted by the Church of Scientology. The United Read More

Why is a Police Chief telling Atheists to “Go…

A Texas police chief gave a remarkably unprofessional answer to the Freedom From Religion Foundation's most recent letter Read More

Blood Moon

The Blood Moon Strikes More Prophecies Of Armageddon

Lunar eclipse 2015 as seen from Mill Valley, California via flickr End time prophecies circulate at the sight Read More

Ron Reagan’s Zinger: Monotheists Actually Hate Women And Sex

Ron Reagan on 'Real Time with Bill Maher' says Jews, Muslims and Christians hate women and genitals. Liberal Read More

ABC’s New ‘Quantico’ Takes on Terrorism and Offends Religions

Mormons, Jews and Muslims are hurt by their portrayal in the TV show 'Quantico.' ABC’s new show Quantico Read More

Never fear, the Trump is here. You want Christmas?…

If Trump is elected, he promises to fight to bring the word Christmas back into mainstream marketing campaigns Read More