You Don’t Have to be a Supreme Court Justice…

For those rational individuals who thought that the First Amendment kept government out of religious affairs, assured the Read More

Scientologists Celebrate 70th Anniversary of Dianetics, By Judy Williams

Scientologists today celebrate Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health published on May 9, 1950. The book, by Read More

Whitewater Leadership: Navigating Through Turbulent Times by Michael Sipe

We’re living in truly turbulent times. As a leader, what will guide your actions in the days ahead? Read More

Holy Bible

What Happened at the Council of Nicaea? by By…

I often hear people speak in hushed and conspiratorial tones — as if they were divulging a well-guarded Read More

Clayton Christensen photo by World Economic Forum Wikimedia Commons

Faith Moves More Than Mountains: How the Church of…

In tech circles, we tend to hand out to others the books that impress us. I once did Read More

Is Iran the Eternal Enemy of the West? By…

I grew up in the 1970s, when the U.S. first had overtly negative dealings with Iran. In 1953, Read More

Displaced Rohingya peope in Rakhine State By Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Flickr, OGL

Are Christians the Most Persecuted Religion? Pew Report on…

In the summer of 2018, the Pew Research Center released a report on the state of religious persecution, Read More

Ahmadiyya Muslims: “Love for all Hatred for None” By…

In today’s world where many people are biased about Islam and Muslims, I want to introduce you to Read More

Happy Holidays: The Real War on Christmas by Dr.…

Over the last couple of years, I’ve heard the phrase “The war on Christmas” invoked more and more Read More

Documentary Showcase on Scientology Network Draws Back Curtain on…

The documentary featured on this week’s Scientology Network Documentary Showcase December 6 at 8 p.m. is Operation Toussaint, Read More