10 Biggest Controversial Religious Sites

These religious locations around the world cause tension and conflict. 1. Western Wall This wall, located near the Read More

Former Priest Says to Save The Church It Must ‘Abolish the Priesthood’

6 Types of Unique Garments Explained

Six Religions that have distinguishing dress codes and the symbolism behind them. It is quite difficult to identify Read More

New Theory on the Yazilikaya Stone Carvings

New Theory on the Yazilikaya Stone Carvings

Archeologists believe they figured out what the 3,200 rock carvings represents It is a human tendency to look Read More

Religion in Canada

Religion in Canada

7 facts about religion in Canada Canada is the hub of cultural diversity and religions. Each of this Read More


Transhumanism: Path to be Godlike or Ignore God’s Plan?

Transhumanism belief that by means of Science and Technology humans can evolve beyond its current physical and mental Read More

Background Check Services for Churches

Background Check Services for Churches

Most churches use the national sex offender registry Close to a third of Southern Baptist churches have joined Read More

Does Living Through the Traumas of War Make People More Religious?

Does Living Through the Trauma of War Make People…

Study shows connection with war and religiosity In a world where religion is often at the center of Read More

Cardinals Visit a Bangladesh Rohingya Refugee Camp

Cardinals Visit a Bangladesh Rohingya Refugee Camp

They also met with a relief agency, government officials and refugee family members A Rohingya refugee camp in Read More

Pastor Wants $100 Million Dollars to Preach Until Jesus Returns

Pastor Wants $100 Million Dollars to Preach Until Jesus…

Pastor Rick Wiles wants to build an end times empire The infamous Dietrich Bonhoeffer was known to have Read More

Progressive Christians Taking a Standing Against Christian Nationalism

Progressive Christians Taking a Standing Against Christian Nationalism

Coalition of Christians warn against Christian nationalism America has plenty of Christian nationalism and white supremacy attitudes running Read More