Guru Nanak Dev Birthday 2014

How Do Sikhs Celebrate Guru Nanak’s Birthday?

Today, Sikhs celebrate the birth one of the most important figures in their faith, Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Read More

Cuba Christ Catholic

Cuba to Build Its First Catholic Church in Over…

Over 5 decades after the nation outlawed religious practice, a community in Tampa has helped raise the funds Read More

Justin Welby Immigration

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Upset By Anti-Immigration Bias

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, showed disapproval of the anti-immigration sentiment in British politics noting that all Read More

Raelians Set Out to Prove There’s No Christ in…

Raelians expose "Catholic fraud" with scientific study, demonstrate that host wafers are simply bread. Raelian scientists have recently Read More

Bill Nye VS Ken Ham

Ken Ham and Bill Nye Debate Still Rages On…

Bill Nye and Ken Ham debated the topic of creationism earlier this year, but the two have kept Read More

Community Comes Together After Mosque is Vandalized in Canada

Vandals struck a mosque in the small Canadian community of Cold Lake, Alberta, but neighbors banded together and Read More

Christian Yoga

How Alabama Christians are Using Yoga to Connect with…

Yoga is not restricted to Hinduism. In Alabama, Yoga takes a Christian flavor as a pathway to becoming Read More

Arrested For Feeding Homeless

90-year-old Man, Two Pastors, Arrested for Feeding Homeless in…

Two Florida pastors and a 90-year-old man were arrested Sunday while feeding the homeless in Fort Lauderdale. The Read More

Five Facts About Human Evolution and Religion

Pope Francis has become the latest pope to affirm that the Catholic Church sees no contradiction in natural Read More

Christian Bale Moses Exodus

Christian Bale Draws Fire After Moses Comments

Christian Bale, who plays Moses in Exodus: Gods and Kings, the forthcoming biblical epic directed by Ridley Scott Read More