New Jersey MVC Reverses Its Decision; Approves Atheists Request…

New Jersey’s Motor Vehicles Commission recently reversed its decision to deny a national group of atheist’s president his Read More

Rosh Hashanah 2013

Jews All Over the World Celebrate Rosh Hashanah

Shanah Tovah! 13.5 million Jews around the world celebrate Rosh Hashanah today, a Jewish holiday that marks the Read More

LDS Car Crash

LDS Missionary Car Accident – 10 Deaths This Year…

A 19-year-old California Mormon missionary was recently involved in a ghastly car crash. The missionary, Taylor Ward, of Read More

Apple Religion

Has our passion for technology replaced religious devotion?

What is the relationship between religion and technology? For most people, the connection is not inherently obvious. But Read More

Pope Francis

Pope Francis Condemns the Use of Chemical Weapons on…

With utmost firmness I condemn the use of chemical weapons.— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) September 3, 2013 While Twitter Read More

Julia Roberts Eat Pray Love

Julia Roberts and the Hindu Community

Julia Roberts, Oscar-winning Hollywood star, was recently thanked by the Hindu community for validating the art of yoga. Read More

Atheism Meeting

Atheists Wishing to Form a Community are Met with…

Atheism is essentially a non-belief in God or any other similar deity. Millions of people consider themselves to Read More

Longshan Temple, Taipei, Taiwan

Old Yet Powerful – Taoism

Rooted deeply in the Chinese customs and worldview, Taoism is an ancient tradition of religious beliefs and philosophies Read More

Japanese Festival

Japanese Festival Returns to St. Louis

The Labor Day weekend gives residents of St. Louis and many other Americans the chance to experience not Read More

Prison Cell

Federal Appeals Court Overturns Dismissal of Wiccan Prisoner Lawsuit

California prisons, like many across the United States offer their prisoners solace in the form of weekly meetings Read More