FFRF Condemns the Appointment of Tony Perkins to U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

FFRF Condemns the Appointment Of Tony Perkins To U.S.…

Perkins Is Known For His Rabid Anti-LGBTQ Views Tony Perkins, the President of Family Research Council (FRC) was Read More

What Everyone Should Know About Ramadan

Ramadan is meant for prayer and reflection on religious teaching. Every year, Muslims all over the world celebrate Read More

Paul Ryan Reverses Decision to Oust House Chaplain

Paul Ryan Reverses Decision to Oust House Chaplain

Patrick Conroy spent seven years as house chaplain House Speaker Paul Ryan, went back on his decision to Read More

Beth Moore Slams Paige Patterson's Comments On Spousal Abuse

Beth Moore Slams Paige Patterson’s Comments on Spousal Abuse

Patterson was questioned about whether an abused woman should submit to her husband. Beth Moore has joined the Read More

Congressional Freethought Caucus is Formed to Promote Secular Values

Congressional Freethought Caucus is Formed to Promote Secular Values

Congressional Freethought Caucus Co-founder Rep. Jamie Raskin called it a “historic” move. On Monday, the first Congressional Freethought Read More

Russia Violates Its Own Laws to Persecute Jehovah’s Witnesses

Russian Government's persecution of Jehovah's witnesses escalated in lead up to one year anniversary of ban. In a Read More

Muslim Life in America

Immigrant Muslims are economically stronger than the US-born Muslims The fabric of Islam in the United States has Read More

Morrissey Brands Halal Meat as Racism Against Animals

Morrissey Brands Halal Meat as Racism Against Animals

Morrissey blamed both the Conservative and Labour Parties for their supposed ineffectiveness Morrissey, the former frontman of The Read More

Which Religion Will Have You Living The Longest?

Which Religion Will Have You Living The Longest?

Jews and atheists live longer than others A well-known social interest magazine has suggested that decisions concerning religiosity Read More

Christian Man Refuses to Pay Taxes Because He Opposes Abortion

Man Wins Not Paying Taxes Because They Support Abortion

The judge dismissed the IRS prosecutor's statement Michael Bowman of Columbia City, Oregon, has refused to pay income Read More