Believer, CNN Documentary Hosted by Reza Aslan Causes Outcry…

CNN's Believer  criticized for offensive portrayal of Hinduism. There is a line dividing what is curiously interesting and Read More

Vatican & Rome’s Jewish Community Team Up for First…

Rome's Jewish community and the Vatican join forces for art exhibition. Rome's Jewish community and the Vatican Museums Read More

J.K. Rowling’s Tweet Bumps Muslim Fundraiser for Vandalized Jewish…

Muslim-Americans raise over $100,000 to repair vandalized historic Jewish cemetery. Despite Donald Trump’s repeated assurances that his government Read More

LGBT Christians Say Church of England has Turned Their…

LGBT Christians voice their thoughts on the Church of England synod vote. For years now the LGBT community Read More

Thich Nhat Hanh’s Advice on How to Deal with…

Using the Practice of Mindfulness to cope with Trump Thich Nhat Hanh, one of modern world’s greatest spiritual Read More

Trump Credited for 200% Growth of Anti-Muslim Hate Groups

Statistics show nearly 200% rise in anti-Muslim hate groups in the U.S. 2016 witnessed a significant rise in Read More

Why Religion Matters in Relationships

Spiritual compatibility can result in a better quality of marriage. According to a study done by LifeWay Research, Read More

What is the Importance of Love in World Religions?

World Religion News Celebrates Valentine’s Day: Love According to World Religions In anticipation of the day of love, Read More

Jehovah’s Witnesses Publications are Being Used To Address Social…

Thai Officials Using Jehovah’s Witnesses Publications To Address Social Issues This year marks three years since Thai Government Read More

The Satanic Temple’s Valentine’s Day Fundraising Campaign to Support…

Hugs and Kisses for Satan is The Satanic Temple’s Valentine's Day fundraiser for reproductive rights. The Satanic Temple Read More