NPR Slams NBC Nightly News for Airing Segment on…

NPR story counters claims made by Ark Encounter theme park focused on the Biblical story of Noah's Ark. Read More

Today Christians and Wiccans Celebrate Lammas/Lughnasadh

Celebrating Lammas/Lughnasadh, the year's grain harvest and the cycle of life and death. One of the few holidays Read More

Muslim Girls Slam Stereotypes with Poetry to End Abuse

Muslim teenagers are hoping to reduce racial abuse with poems addressing Islamophobia. Islamophobia has been on a massive Read More

Human Modification: For Man or Against Nature?

Religious people believe genetic manipulation is "crossing the line." Scientific technology has made incredible leaps in changing the Read More

China’s Panchen Lama Presides Over Ritual Being Held for…

Panchen Lama holds Kalachakra ritual after 50 year ban in China. Having ousted the Dalai Lama from power Read More

Muslim Women Crush Stereotypes on Their Way to the…

Muslim women are breaking through in the world of sports. In the Muslim world, particularly in the Middle Read More

Saudi Arabia restores ban on ‘un-Islamic’ Pokémon Go

Saudi Arabia rejects 'deviant' Pokémon Go game. Pokémon Go the newly introduced game version of Pokémon has created Read More

Al Jazeera: Is Religion Really to Blame for Violence?…

Al Jazeera interviews Karen Armstrong on religion and violence. Karen Armstrong is a British author, scholar, and former Read More

How Did the Star of David Come to Be?

History of the six-pointed star and it's connection to Judaism. From synagogues, clothes, temples, buildings and even flags Read More

New GOP Religious Freedom Bill Would Protect Those Who…

First Amendment Defense Act triggers a new battle over same-sex marriage. The First Amendment Defense Act is a Read More