The New Blake Shelton Gospel Song Inspired by a Dream

The New Blake Shelton Gospel Song Inspired by a…

Hear the new single, "Savior's Shadow," that came to Blake Shelton in a dream. Best known for his Read More

First Ever Book Series Outside Japan on Shinto Tradition

California scholars Allan Georges Grapard and Fabio Rambelli create America's first Shinto study book series. Bloomsbury Publishing has Read More

Pew Study: Highly Religious Are Happier and Spend More Time with Families

Pew Study: Highly Religious Are Happier and Spend More…

Quality of purchasing decisions and health habits for less religious are about the same as highly religious Have Read More

Pornography declared ‘Public Health Crisis’ by Utah Senate

Unanimous vote in Utah labels porn dangerous to public health. According to Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, a member Read More

Indiana Cop Being Sued for Proselytizing During Traffic Stops

Indiana Cop Being Sued for Proselytizing During Traffic Stops

For the second time in a row, Indiana cop Brian Hamilton was charged with proselytizing to a civilian Read More

Tennessee, Once Welcoming to Muslims, Now Filled with Hate

Tennessee, Once Welcoming to Muslims, Now Filled with Hate

The home Muslims found in Tennessee is now turning against them. In the year 1965, when the United Read More

Why Orthodox Judaism Is Becoming More Influential On Millennials

Why Orthodox Judaism Is Becoming More Influential On Millennials

Millennials embracing Orthodox Jewish rules, rituals and tradition over freedom, leisure, and other comforts. Orthodox Judaism is an Read More

Atheist Christian Minister says Religion is Not Important to…

Canadians are leaving religion behind claims Atheist United Church of Canada minister Gretta Vosper. Reverend Gretta Vosper, 57, Read More

Reluctance to Intermarry Puts Zoroastrians on the Brink of Extinction

Reluctance to Intermarry Puts Zoroastrians on the Brink of…

Reluctance to Accept Interfaith Marriages May Bring the End to Zoroastrianism Over ten centuries after coming to India, Read More

Morgan Freeman Travels the World for ‘Story of God’ [Video]

Morgan Freeman Travels the World for ‘Story of God’…

Morgan Freeman stars in six-part show, Story of God, aiming to understand faith and world religions. Morgan Freeman Read More