Jesus refugee

Let’s Not Forget, Jesus Himself Was A Refugee

The debate on Syrian refugees is raging, but opposing Christians are asked to remember the words of the Read More


Hindus Decreasing Pollution Caused By Rituals in Queens

After environmental concerns in Jamaica Bay after pollution from religious rituals, Hindu groups are promoting awareness of the Read More

Ark Encounter

Noah’s Ark, Theme Park Under Construction in Kentucky

The life-size Noah's Ark is being built by Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis and will open next Read More

Berlin ISIS Protest

Muslims Worldwide Hate ISIS, Finds New Study

Millions of Muslims hold unfavorable opinion of terrorist group ISIS. In a Pew Research Center survey which considered Read More


Muslims Use #MuslimsAreNotTerrorist In Response to Paris Terror Attacks

Muslims take a stand against the Islamophobia being fueled by terrorist attacks. After the terrorist attack in Paris Read More

Thousands Announcing They Will Leave Mormon Church Tomorrow

Thousands Announcing They Will Leave Mormon Church Tomorrow

Many Mormons to leave faith after LDS Church attacks same-sex families. Organizers are banding together a large scale Read More

Justin Bieber Actually Begins His Day With This Prayer…

How Justin Bieber got back into his faith after some bad behavior last year. The young Canadian singer Read More

Bachmann Urges Jews to Convert to Christianity

Michele Bachmann: Jesus Is Coming, Christians Need to Convert…

Bachmann Urges Jews to Convert to Christianity Before Rapture. Michele Bachmann, the former presidential candidate, has asked for Read More

Glendale Man Ejected onto Freeway Sign

Armenian Madagh, Lamb Sacrifice, Failed to Provide Protection for…

Family performed Armenian Madagh, a lamb sacrifice, "to protect a man from evil and harm." Friday, October 30, Read More

Houston Will Not Make LGBT a Protected Class

Houston Will Not Make LGBT a Protected Class

Controversial ordinance for special rights to LGBTs in Houston will not be seeing the light of day. After Read More