Westboro Baptist Church Protest Against a Memorial Music Event for Legendary Artist, David Bowie

Westboro Baptist Church condemned those mourning David Bowie's death. In recent news following the death of world famous music artist, David Bowie, there are

Imam invites Trump to America’s Oldest Mosque

Trump invited to discuss his plans and philosophy at Mother Mosque of America. Donald Trump was invited by Taha Tawil to, the Imam of

Justin Bieber: “God Told Me to Change My Ways”

Justin Bieber reveals it was God who helped him when he was lost. For Justin Bieber, life has changed dramatically during the last two

Donald Trump’s Questionable Relationship with the Bible

A Bible waving Trump raises questions about his true beliefs. Religion has noticeably been one of the focal points of the current GOP presidential

First Trump Commercial Focuses on ISIS and Muslim Ban

The Donald Trump commercial contains dark images of the Muslim San Bernardino shooters, explosions and body bags. Donald Trump, the divisive Republican presidential candidate,

How Christianity Influenced Will Smith in ‘Concussion’ Movie

Will Smith says grandma's Christian faith helped prepare him for his role in 'Concussion.' Will Smith, the A -list actor in the Hollywood film

Did Faith Literally Save Justin Bieber’s Life?

Justin Bieber's manager, Scooter Braun, says if Justin didn't accept Jesus he could have died. If Scooter Braun is to be believed, Justin Bieber,

Is Angelina Jolie Converting to Hinduism?

Angelina Jolie was seen praying at a Hindu Temple during family vacation in Thailand. Angelina Jolie was seen praying in one Hindu temple at

Why Are Exorcisms More Popular Than Ever?

Theology professor Joseph Laycock presents some reasons why exorcisms remain so popular. When science started to explain how life on Earth actually evolved, religion

Pope and Trump are Tied for Second Most Admirable Men of 2015

Donald Trump and Pope Francis Tied for Second Most Admired Men in Gallup's Top 10. The most admired woman and man in the world,