Conservative Christian Star Josh Duggar’s Admission to Cheating on Wife, Porn Addiction, Keeps Changing

The Duggar family is again defending the actions of their 27-year-old son, Josh Duggar, after leaked information on his infidelity and pornography addiction. When

Majority of Utah Mormons Want to Drop Relationship with Boy Scouts

Several suggest that the church would be better off if it creates a separate yet similar program for the young Mormons. The Boy Scouts

Archaeology Temple Mount

Archaeology and religion have always been intertwined, but will the field be better off without its influence?

As archaeologic studies are funded less by religious groups and more by government, the question arises: is religious bias in archaeology a better way

Prescription Drugs

Interfaith Groups Agree: Psychotropic Drugs Are Doing More Harm Than Good

Religious groups, lawyers, doctors, scientists, and members of the general public agree: psychotropic drugs are dangerous. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a

Texas Judge Requires Convicted Defendant to Write Bible Verse 25 Times Per Day

FFRF files complaint against Texas judge who issued religiously biased probation conditions. The Freedom From Religion Foundation filed a complaint last week against a

John Oliver Condemns Televangelists and Tithing on Last Week Tonight

John Oliver exposes the tithing tactics televangelists use under the disguise of promised prosperity. Have you heard of Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption? It’s

Writer and Priestess Courtney Weber Defends Wiccans from Ritual Murder Claims

Courtney Weber pleads: “stop accusing us Wiccans of ritual murder.” In one of her articles on the Huffington Post, Courtney Weber defended the Wiccans

Rise in Jew-Hatred on California University Campuses Prompts Movement to Redefine “Anti-Semitism”

Jewish groups ask for changes in anti-Semitism definition in the University of California school system. Several Jewish organizations have petitioned the University of California

John Rhys-Davies Blasts Being Politically Correct, Says it’s Contributing to the Downfall of Civilization

On Adam Carolla's podcast, Lord of The Rings actor John Rhys-Davies declares "We have lost our moral compass completely, and, unless we find it,

Pope Francis Will Likely Confront U.S. Congress On These 6 Issues

The political Pope Francis is expected to speak on Mexican immigration, economics, capitalism, and the environment in front of Congress during is visit to