Muslims Fire Back at ISIS With a Social Media Strategy of their Own #NotInHISName

70 educational webisodes for America’s youth have been released to answer questions about Islam and remind them that Islam is peaceful religion. In response

Pharmacies Can’t Use Religious Belief as Exemption from Dispensing Medication Says Court of Appeals

Ruling says pharmacists need to do their job, regardless of their personal religious beliefs. The San Francisco Court of Appeals strengthened existing Washington state

Atheists are More Welcome in America than Muslims

Even if America strongly believes in religious freedom, the public is still cold in welcoming Muslims. The United States has long been considered as

Teacher Shames and Isolates 7-Year-Old Boy for Not Believing in God

A second grader is told he’s unacceptable, has bad ideas, and is instructed not to speak or have lunch with fellow students after saying

Support Continues To Pour In For Gay United Methodist Pastor Who Was Fired

Activists, ministers and United Methodist Church members protested the Pastor's firing. Rev. Benjamin Hutchison’s case is one of the most recent issues wherein church

Florida Gun Shop Owner Sued For Declaring ‘Muslim-Free Zone’

Andy Hallinan, the owner of a gun shop, was sued by CAIR for discrimination. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) sued Andrew Hallinan, a

Jacqueline Woods Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter and Jacqueline Woodson Share Their Views on Race, Religion and Rights

In their recent interview with New York Times’ Philip Galanes, Jimmy Carter and Jacqueline Woodson shared their early life memories and views on race,

Immigration Reform

Evangelical Christians and Muslims Unite Against Franklin Graham’s Immigration Statement

Gathering of Muslims and Christians hopes to reduce tensions caused by Evangelical Christian Franklin Graham’s Anti-Muslim Facebook post. Recently, Evangelical Christian and Muslim leaders

ACLU Fights Against RFRA Using Religion to Discriminate

The ACLU will no longer stand behind the RFRA on the basis that people are using their personal beliefs to abuse others. The American

Summit of Conscience for the Climate is Attended by Faith Leaders Across the World

“PNN Los Nevados Colombia (7)” by Climate Change is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Faith leaders from around the world met to discuss the