Richard DawkinsI slam Feminist

Atheist Richard Dawkins’ #tweetfail “Islam Needs a Feminist Revolution”

Richard Dawkins' tweet saying a feminist revolution needs to happen in Islam did not go over well with Muslims. Richard Dawkins, noted Atheist author,must

Faith Leaders At White House

White House Honors 12 Faith Leaders in Climate Change

Leaders who teach and encourage their fellow man to change their ways and recognize how they affect the environment have been recognized by the

After Boy Scout Gay Leader Policy Change Mormon Church is “Re-evaluating Scouting Program”

The Mormon church, a significant sponsor of the Boy Scouts of America, will be re-evaluating their commitment to the organization when leaders return from

UAE Announces Harsh Sentences for Religious Discrimination, Including Death Penalty

The new law makes religious and racial discrimination a crime punishable by law. This week, the United Arab Emirates issued a new law that

Rev Warren Hall

Fired Gay Minister Writes Letter to Pope Pleading for His Attention on American LGBTs During Visit

Images via Facebook and Twitter screenshots He's hoping the Pontiff will “find time to listen to the challenges faced by LGBT people, especially those

Pope Francis Removing Bishops

Pope Francis is Removing Seedy Bishops in an Effort to Clean Up the Catholic Church

The Pope organized a Vatican commission that determines the policies for the overall Church to follow and several bishops have been removed as a

Orwellian First Amendment Defense Act

Orwellian First Amendment Defense Act May Favor Religious Bigotry

The proposed bill reassures every individual or groups on their freedom to exercise and abide by their beliefs. After the passage of the Religious

Birth Control Pills

Catholic Nuns Lose Case: Employees Must Have Contraceptive Coverage

Denver's Little Sisters of the Poor lost their case against the Obama administration because they couldn't prove the contraceptive mandate caused a burden. Denver’s

The Satanic Temple Challenges Conservative Christianity’s Influence in Government, Women’s Rights and Public Schools

In an interview with the New York Times, The Satanic Temple's two founders discuss the religion's origins and recent accomplishments toward reducing Christian privilege

Church Attendance United States

These are the States with the Highest and Lowest Church Attendance

The poll shows that there are stark geographic differences in religiosity within the United States. Utah residents are the most frequent church attendees in