Casablanca Calling

These Moroccan Muslim Women are Changing How Women are Treated

The film Casablanca Calling follows Moroccan Muslim women determined to challenge their country's treatment of women. When Americans picture Morocco, and other Islamic countries,

Religious Discrimination Pakistan India

Religious Discrimination Claims Are on the Rise Recently

Religious discrimination is rapidly on the rise and the world is seeing some of the worst cases to date, specifically in India and Pakistan.

Atheists Continue to Challenge “In God We Trust” on U.S. Currency

Michael Newdow has vehemently opposed the appearance of “In God we trust” across the United States currency, though he was continuously shot down by

Bahai Prisoners Released

4 Bahai’s Imprisoned for Educating Youth Released from Iran Prison

After four years of imprisonment for educating Baha'is, four faculty members of the Baha’i Institute for Higher Education (BIHE) were finally released. In May

British Muslims Losing Faith

Hidden Faith Crisis: How British Muslims Are Losing Their Faith

Young British muslims who don't have faith in their religion either opt to be agnostic or atheist. In Britain, much focus has been given

John Glenn Astronaut

Former Astronaut John Glenn Believes in God, Says Schools Should Teach Evolution

Former astronaut John Glenn talks about his belief in God and its harmony with evolution. In 1962, John Glenn became the first American astronaut

Hari Krishna Exports

Hare Krishna Exports Denies Job Candidate for Being Muslim

Hare Krishna Exports sent job candidate Zeshan Ali Khan an email denying him a position citing his Muslim faith as a reason why he

Indian children imagine world without religion in “Kids Speak Out” video series

A recently released online video series on YouTube is already gaining a lot of attention for how children are expressing their views on religion. What

Bobby Jindal Executive Order

Bobby Jindal Circumvents House, Issues Executive Order Legalizing LGBT Discrimination

After his bill was shut down in the house 10-2, Bobby Jindal issued an executive order to instate his religious freedom bill. Louisiana Governor

Buddhist Monk Depends On Karma And Offers Loans

Phra Subin Paneeto, a Buddhist monk  in Thailand, has been heading his own highly successful micro lending organization since the early 1990s. It is