Keep out of Politics, Stick to Preaching: Republicans to Pope Francis

Republican politicians urge Pope Francis to stay away from politics and concentrate on the work to lead people to Jesus Christ and Salvation. Republican politicians

Is There a Correlation between Religion and Violence?

U.S. President Barack Obama informed everyone at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington that Christians and Muslims both are responsible for violence. Matt Rowley

How A Sikh Man Used His Turban to Save A Child’s Life

This Sikh man is praised as a hero for disobeying his religious faith to remove his turban and help an injured five-year-old boy in

Catholic and Evangelicals leaders meet in Washington to discuss poverty

President Barack Obama attends a panel in Washington and speaks out about poverty in front of Catholics and Evangelicals. John Carr, a former official of

Pastor On Grindr

Anti-Gay Pastor Resigns Over Secret Grindr Account

Screenshots from the Grindr account of Pastor Matthew Makela, as posted on Queerty. Pastor Matthew Makela resigned from his position at the St. John's

Woman Drops Out of Police Academy After Hijab is Banned

Muslim woman Ismahan Isse leaves Ohio Police Academy in search of a precinct where she can wear her hijab. Ismahan Isse, a 29-year-old Somali-American

Bill O’Reilly Jumps the Gun and Blames Rap for Decline to Christianity

Bill O'Reilly blames rap music for the constant decline in Christianity and tells that youth generation is selfish today. Over the past few months, the

Stanley Family Pastors Clash: Anti-LGBT vs Acceptance

Pastor Andy Stanley feels a Congregation should be the safest place on the planet for LGBTs, while his Pastor father is vehemently anti-gay. In

Muslim man serves on Jury despite Religious Discomfort

A Muslim man is forced to serve on jury after judge tells him he has a duty and responsibilities to do so, even if it's against his

Can the Chino Hills, CA Public Board Still See the Lines Between Church and State?

Members of Calvary Chapel, a megachurch in Chino Hills, are guilty of oversharing at school board meetings and have been accused of forcing their