Marital Rape Discussion

The Role of Husbands and Wives in Muslim Families – Defining Marital Rape in Islam

A rape awareness campaign's focus shifted towards defining marital rape and the responsibilities of a husband and wife in a Muslim household. What started

Martin Luther King JR

55-Year-Old Interview with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Civil Rights is Chillingly Similar to LGBT Struggles Today

In this 1960 interview with Meet the Press, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. discusses his views on nonviolent protests, business owners refusing service

Guantanamo Female Guards

By No Means Can Women Touch Us – 9/11 Detainees at Guantanamo Bay

After a trial with judge Col. James Pohl, women soldiers were restrained from shackling and escorting 9/11 detainees, sparking controversy and outrage. Five Muslim

Nusrat Qadir: France Skirting Issue

Dear France, Stop Skirting Around the Real Issue

Featured Contributor Nusrat Qadir responds to a French school's decision to send a 15-year-old girl home from school because her skirt was too long

Sarah K French Muslim Skirt

15-Year-Old French Muslim Girl Sent Home to Change Into a Shorter Skirt

French fashion is making headlines in an unexpected way this past week. France is known for its strict laws on laïcité, which means secularism.

Religion Book Marriage

Is Religion Taking a Backseat in Same-Sex Marriage?

Religion was barely mentioned at all in last week's Supreme Court arguments. Are we seeing the last days of religious-based marriages and welcoming same

Baltimore Churches Respond to Freddie Gray and Police Brutality

Local Baltimore church leaders speak out about the Freddie Gray case and the riots that have followed. Friday, six police officers were arrested and

Catholic Church Bishop Urges a Racial Divide Conversation

Illinois bishop urges the Catholic community to try to put themselves in African-American shoes to better understand the country's 'racial divide.' Bishop Edward K.

Sydney Bus Rant

Australian Woman Celebrated for Defending Muslim Couple

In an incident caught on tape, a Sydney woman defends a Muslim couple from an elderly woman's disrespectful criticisms. Riding home on the train

Liberal and Conservative Catholics Unite on Abolition of the Death Penalty

When it comes to the thorny issues in life, such as abortion and euthanasia, both liberal and conservative groups of Catholics are often divided