Edmonton Sikh Vandalism

Canadian Sikhs respond to vandalism with understanding

A south Edmonton Sikh temple found unpleasant phrases spray painted on the temple walls, but leaders have a surprising reaction. Members of the Sri

Anti-Semitism is unfortunately prospering in Europe

Recent surveys show that most British Jews feel anti-Semitism is on the rise.  Two surveys were conducted by the Campaign Against Antisemitism, or CAA,

Devastation by Boko Haram

Boko Haram attacks are deadlier, but where is the Western outcry?

Boko Haram has become increasingly deadly recently, but many religious and African leaders question the West's commitment to solving this terrorist threat. Terrorist attacks

Buddhist temple repeatedly vandalized in Santa Ana, CA – Update: Suspect Caught

Santa Ana Police are puzzled as an Asian woman was caught on camera vandalizing Buddhist Huong Tich Temple several times. Update 1-14-15 11:50 AM:

Why are burial rights being denied to a Baha’i in Iran?

Shamel Bina passed away in October 2014, but his remains are unburied because local authorities are refusing burial rights. What should have been a

JeSuis Charlie Times Square

Many Rise to Support the Victims in the Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attack

Muslims and artists respond to the Charlie Hebdo attacks and condemn the atrocious act of terror proving free speech will prevail. On January 7th,

Worldwide gatherings show solidarity after Charlie Hebdo terrorist killings

Demonstrators are rallying to show solidarity with France and support freedom of the press. Earlier today, three hooded gunman shouting "Allahu Akbar," an Islamic

Georgia Walker wants to become first female priest of Kansas City, even if it means excommunication

Woman Priesthood: Kansas City Woman Georgia Walker fo face excommunication from Catholic Church after being ordained as a priest. Throughout the many decades the Catholic

ISIS Burning Christian Artifacts

ISIS’ Stolen Artifacts and Torture Chamber Churches

ISIS has stolen ancient religious artifacts and converted churches into torture chambers in their ongoing war. ISIS has, in the past, taken to terrorizing religious

Jewish Muslim Protestors

Jewish and Muslim Protestors Join the Black Lives Matter Movement

Jewish and Muslim Protestors Bring Attention to the #BlackLivesMatter Movement this Hanukkah. December 16, Jewish and Muslim members were led by the Arab-American Association