Vishnu Beer

Upset Hindus urge withdrawal of Lord Vishnu beer of Brazil

Upset Hindus have urged Brazil based Cervejaria Colorado to apologize and withdraw its India Pale Ale beer carrying the name of Lord Vishnu, calling

Meth Paraphernalia

Woman Claims Wiccan Beliefs Justify Her Possessing Meth

Woman claims her religious beliefs as a Wiccan permit her a religious right to possess meth. Police disagree. Throughout the world, many people have

Porn Again Christian Teresa Carey

“Porn Again Christian” Teresa Carey Describes Her Vision of God

"Porn Again Christian" Teresa Carey left her career as an adult model to become a Christian after having a vision of Jesus while listening

Forbidden Love

Young Hindu Girls Targeted by “Love Jihad” Conspiracy

The conflicts among Muslims and Hindus in India are not a new issue, so any type of amorous relationship between two young people of

Respecting Families of Another Faith

Respecting Families of Another Faith

How learning about the beliefs of other religions can help us understand and connect with one another in a positive way. As parents, we

Catholic Church And Gays

Pope Francis Offers Gay Community Compassion Amid Conservative Catholic Backlash

Pope Francis and the Vatican issued a statement about same-sex couples, but after conservative Catholics criticized it, the document was relabeled as a draft.

Mark Driscoll Resignation

Mars Hill Church Reaction To Pastor Mark Driscoll Resignation Letter

On Tuesday, October 14, Pastor Mark Driscoll submitted his resignation as an elder and lead pastor of Mars Hill Church. The Board of Overseers

To Light A Candle Documentary

New Documentary ‘To Light A Candle’ Examines Baha’i Struggles In Iran

New film To Light A Candle  examines the persecution of Baha'is in Iran. For millions of people around the world, the term Baha’i will

Bill Maher Ben Affleck

Bill Maher gets unexpected support from religious conservatives over recent anti-Islamic remarks

Last week, actor Ben Affleck took issue with Bill Maher’s remarks about Islam during an appearance on Maher’s show, Real Time. The interesting development

Gay vs Christian, human rights, lexington, Kentucky,

Human Rights Commission: “Christian business owners should leave religion at home!”

In a controversial decision, the Lexington Kentucky Human Rights Commission has sent a clear message to Christian business owners who refuse service to LGBT