Philippines’ Reproductive Health Law Confirmed By Supreme Court

On April 8, the Philippines Supreme Court upheld a reproductive health law that has been at the center of a wide debate and major

Nebraska Anti-Discrimination Bill for the LGBT Loses to Filibuster

Recently in Nebraska an anti-discrimination law lost to a filibuster.  The law, LB485, was an LGBT anti-discrimination law that would protect members of the

Sexual Conduct Conviction Reversed for Catholic Priest

There is much controversy circulating around a recent court case concerning a Catholic priest and a series of alleged sexual misconduct occurrences with one

Atlanta Archbishop

Atlanta Archbishop to sell $2.2 million mansion after parishioners cry out

Archbishop Wilton Gregory, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Atlanta, Georgia stated Saturday that he will sell his $2.2 million mansion.  This is in response

School is not a battleground for religion!

Jai Shri Raam! I received recently a communication on Facebook that was rather disconcerting – it was typed in large font in Telugu, one

Opposition to the Council of Europe’s Upcoming Vote to Establish “Sect Observatories” and “Sect Awareness Sessions” Swells

Next week, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) will vote on a Report and Resolution that proposes to adopt the controversial

Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant

Religious Freedom Bill Passed By Mississippi Legislators

A controversial bill, that according to supporters, would support religious freedom, has been passed in Mississippi. The bill could allow Mississippi residents to sue

Human Rights in Action: Petition and Letter Circulating to Protect Freedom of Religion in Europe

This afternoon I came across a petition online that I could not help but sign—and I strongly urge you to do the same. Sometimes

Hobby Lobby Arguments Against Birth Control Coverage in Obamacare Start in Supreme Court

On Tuesday, March 24, the United States Supreme Court began hearing arguments (both for and against) that relate the newly introduced Affordable Care Act

United Sects of Islam: A Different Perspective on Unity and Sectarianism

A popular argument employed by atheists (and other like minded people) against people who subscribe to a religion is that religion has split mankind