All-Girls Catholic School Lets Jewish Transgender Teacher Keep Job

A San Francisco Catholic school supports transgender teacher's decision to come out. The Mercy High School in San Francisco, California, is a Catholic all-girls

Amal Clooney Speaks up Against Donald Trump’s Statements on Muslims and Women

Amal Clooney slammed Trump for his Islamophobia and statement on women in an interview with BBC. On April 26, on the same day as

British Parliament Declares ISIS Acts of Terror Genocide

British Parliament declares Christian and Yazidi victims of ISIS as targets of genocide. The backbench members of the British Parliament have voted, by a

‘SNL’ “God Is A Boob Man” Skit Angers Some Christians

SNL's spoof "God Is A Boob Man" didn't go over too well with some Christians Two weeks after the release of the Christian film

Trump Slammed by Conservative Catholics

Trump Slammed by Conservative Catholics

Catholic leaders write a letter recommending fellow Catholics do not vote for Donald Trump. A few prominent Catholic leaders shared a message on National

Pope Francis Calls for a Global Repeal of Death Penalty

The Pope seeks moratorium on executions, based on the rules set forth in the Ten Commandments. Pope Francis asked for the global abolition of

Did the Mormon Church Kill a Utah Hate Crimes Law?

LDS warns against upsetting ‘careful balance’ of LGBT anti-discrimination law, while a state lawmaker claims the church has effectively killed the bill. The Utah

Muslims Only Embrace American Democracy ‘If They’re Schizophrenic’ says Ben Carson

Muslims Who Support American Values And Islamic Law Are ‘Schizophrenic,’ claims Ben Carson. Ben Carson, GOP presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon, has accused Muslims

Vatican Declares Bishops Do Not Have to Report Child Abuse

Vatican Declares Bishops Do Not Have to Report Child Abuse

New rulings on clerical child abuse go against Pope Francis' instituted policies. Newly appointed bishops are being instructed by the Catholic Church that they

New Hampshire Exit Poll Shows 2/3rds of Republicans Support Muslim Ban

New Hampshire Exit Poll Shows 2/3rds of Republicans Support Muslim Ban

Most New Hampshire GOP voters favor Trump’s call for Muslim ban. The New Hampshire primaries spewed out one jarring statistic: approximately two-thirds of Republican