Muslim wins beer delivery case

Gov’t Accused of Favoritism After Muslims Win Beer Delivery Case

Obama administration criticized for standing up for Muslims, but not Christians. Mahad Abass Mohamed and Abdkiarim Hassan Bulshale, both Somali-American Muslims, have been awarded

5-year-old chooses heaven over hospital

Five-Year-Old Chooses Heaven over Hospital, Parents Agree

Parents let five-year-old daughter make the decision to live or die. Julianna Snow would rather go to heaven than to the hospital - and

Women Mormon Ministers

The Truth About The Mormon Attitude on Female Priests

Joseph Smith’s teachings on Mormon priesthood and women, according to two new essays posted Friday. The final of two essays released by The Church

SAhmad Dutch Parliament

Justice Is Needed In Society To Achieve World Peace

During an address to the Dutch Parliament, Khalifa of Islam says the answers to the critical issue of world peace can be found in

Gibran Malik

Gibran Malik Facebook Viral Video Proclaims All Muslim Leaders in the World Are Cowards

An American Muslim pleads with Muslim leaders to address the problems that run rampant in the Islamic community today. In a video posted to

Netanyahu Slammed After Suggesting A Muslim Encouraged the Holocaust

According to Netanyahu, the Holocaust was inspired by Jerusalem's Grand Mufti. The Prime Minister of Israel was accused of forgiving Adolf Hitler for his

Mormon Leader: Religion Can’t Get In The Way of Doing Your Job

Mormon Elder Oaks calls for balance in disputes of religious freedom. Tuesday was a significant day as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day

Westboro Pickets Kim Davis: She’s a “Fake Christian”

Westboro Baptist Church picketed outside Rowan County, Kentucky courthouse. Kim Davis has come under fire again, and this time it's the Westboro Baptist Church

Seventh Day Adventist Pastors Protest Decision Not to Ordain Women

Male Seventh Day Adventist Pastors request a downgrade in their credentials in protest against the decision not to ordain women. Several male pastors belonging

Facebook to Be Sued for ‘Promoting Terror’

Israel Law Center files a class action suit against the Facebook over anti-Semitic terror posts. Alarmed by the increase in the hate-filled content against