Religious Arbitration: How America’s Courts Safeguard the First Amendment by Defending It

Religious arbitration has been in the news recently and I would like to offer my perspective as a Jew, a rabbi and inter-religious leader

Profiles in Faith: Rabbi David Nathan Saperstein

Introduction Rabbi David Nathan Saperstein is one of the leading lights of Reform Judaism — the largest denomination of Jews in the America, representing

Vatican Quashes ‘Fake News’ of Pope Benedict Death

Religious News From Around the Web August 9, 2021

Scientologist Wins Case Against Munich "Sect Filter;" Religious Restrictions Return with Rise of Delta Variant; Vatican Launches Global Compact on the Family; Problems With

Profiles in Faith: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (1948 – 2020)

Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth Introduction “What do we worship?” The question, as Rabbi Lord Jonathan Henry Sacks put

Religious Overreaches Could Backfire by Charles Franklin

It’s an old story: A business like Enron or Pfizer goes flat out for profit, ethics and the law be damned and boom! Enron

Rabbi Michael Shevack - Israel

Law for Peace: Beyond Palestinian and Israeli Land Claims

The idea hit me as I was driving, through the border from Germany to France: Germany, a separate state? France, a separate state? So,

To Cut? Or Not to Cut?: Enlightened Circumcision

To Cut? Or Not to Cut?: Enlightened Circumcision

Sanctifying and living the meaning of circumcision In our last article we discussed kosher, as it is taught in the Torah, and we presented

Who are God’s Chosen People? An Interview with Michael Coogan

Does God have a chosen people, and does he favor certain societies? Distinguished biblical scholar Michael Coogan considers these questions in his provocative new

Joseph Preville Ariel Burger Interview

An Interview with Rabbi Ariel Burger, Author of ‘Witness: Lessons from Elie Wiesel’s Classroom’

"Listening to a witness makes you a witness." – Elie Wiesel Elie Wiesel (1928-2016) was an internationally-recognized writer, educator, and human rights activist. He

How American Jewish Women Shaped American Culture: An Interview with Pamela S. Nadell

How American Jewish Women have left a legacy that reverberates across American history. For more than three and a half centuries, Jewish women have