Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz

Prop 12: A sliver of freedom for factory-farmed animals

Featured Contributor Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz says California citizens must vote Yes on Proposition 12 to reduce animal suffering. In my career as an

Grabbing a Cheeseburger: Enlightened Kashrut

Grabbing a Cheeseburger: Enlightened Kashrut

An enlightened approach to Jewish education begins by teaching not from the standpoint of religion In my last article, we set basic educational guidelines

Rabbi Michael Shevack - Israel

Educating Israel: The True Return of Our People by Rabbi Michael Shevack

In this, the final article on my series “Re-JEW-venating the Jew”, I would like to propose something very bold. Actually, it is not very

Enlightened Judaism: A Spiritual Algorithm by Rabbi Michael Shevack

Enlightened Judaism: A Spiritual Algorithm by Rabbi Michael Shevack

The spiritual insights that will merge out of this algorithm can be systematically taught and cultured to bring about a new Jewish Enlightenment. In

Re-JEW-venating the JEW: Bad Theo-LOGIC by Rabbi Michael Shevack

Re-JEW-venating the JEW: Bad Theo-LOGIC by Rabbi Michael Shevack

It’s time to finish up our discussion of those core theo-logical confusions that must be corrected if we’re going to re-JEW-venate the contemporary Jew.

Reason vs. Revelation by Rabbi Michael Shevack

Reason vs. Revelation by Rabbi Michael Shevack

For one thousand years, Jews, if not many religious people, have been stuck in intellectual chaos. The chaos began innocently enough.  There was some

The Origin And Cure Of Anti-Semitism in Europe

The Path Toward Peace Lies In Forgiveness Numerous recent news reports show that Europe is experiencing a resurgence in anti-Semitism. A Syrian-Palestinian refugee in

Rabbi Michael Shevack

Re-JEW-venating the Jew: Formulas for Authority

The authoritative limits of "democracy" under Transcendent Reason have been pushed to the breaking point: Whose Reason should I follow? For those Jews who

Rabbi Michael Shevack Outing The Jew

OUTING the Jew by Rabbi Michael Shevack

The first article in Rabbi Michael Shevack's new series, Re-JEW-venating the JEW. Imagine, if the evangelical impulse that fired up our Western (Christian-derived) civilization

The Havurah of Chania

This Jewish Synagogue became a safe haven to people of any faith

Featured Contributor Georgia Gleoudi tours the one and only synagogue on the isle of Crete, the historic Havurah of Chania. I entered the courtyard.