Rabbi Michael Shevack

Infinite Progressivism by Rabbi Michael Shevack

Rabbi Michael Shevack's final article in his Re-JEW-venating Civilization series. In my last article, Creeping Finitism, I warned about the contemporary idolatries that are

 God Is Good For You

God Is Good For You by Barak Lurie

Barak Lurie tells how God gives us purpose. God is only a crutch to make you feel better. God is a fantasy concept, an

Rabbi Michael Shevack Creeping Finitism

Creeping Finitism by Rabbi Michael Shevack

Rabbi Michael Shevack says either we learn one ancient Hebrew lesson or Western Civilization runs the risk of imploding on itself. In this, Article

Abdur Rab

What the Quran Really Tells About God

A Theological Perspective On What Is Actually Said In The Quran [The lead author discusses their new book Toward A Quranic Understanding of the

Shehla Ahmad

A Recent Decision by Pakistan’s High Court to Require Declarations of Faith

The court wants every citizen of Pakistan to declare their “true faith” to the government. The recent decision by Islamabad High Court which requires

Rabbi Michael Shevack Cult of Coin

End the Cult of Coins by Rabbi Michael Shevack

Rabbi Michael Shevack says today, instead of being yoked to the Kingdom of God, nations and peoples are increasingly yoked to a profane world

Rabbi Michael Shevack ReJEWvenate

Re-JEW-venating Civilization by Rabbi Michael Shevack

Rabbi Michael Shevack says in order to join together as one, the world must start understanding Jews. As discussed in article #1 in this

Anila Sadiq - Women In Islam

My Hijab is My Identity and My Own Choice

As a young Muslim college student, I am asked so many questions every now and then about my hijab and my outfit and about

Rabbi Michael Shevack War or Warned

‘War or Warned,’ by Rabbi Michael Shevack

Rabbi Michael Shevack asks: Will the good and noble religions of the world stand up? This is a call, not quite desperate yet, but

Our Family Trip to Flag for Scientology Services

The reasons why people take trips to Flag are as varied as people themselves. This winter I took a trip to Clearwater, Florida with