God’s Love for Everyone, Everywhere

The Jesus Film Project: Sharing the story of Jesus to everyone, everywhere. They came at 4 a.m. with hatchets, dressed in black running suits

Finding Peace in Christ After My Son’s Suicide #PrinceofPeace

Featured Contributor Heidi Swap shares her struggle with questions after her sons suicide and how she finally found peace. Questions played over and over

I Survived a Plane Crash: Finding my Happily Ever After #PrinceofPeace

Featured Contributor Stephanie Nielson shares how God helped her heal after surviving a plane crash. I lay in the hospital on a cold December

5 Things That I Would Tell My High School Self

If you could go back in time what would you tell yourself? Some time ago, I was counseling a married couple and the wife

Why Joy Is > Than Happiness

Joy is incredible gift from God, and often we miss it because we're too busy pursuing happiness. Over the past 15+ years of ministry,

Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard’s Birthday Celebrated Internationally

The extraordinary life of L. Ron Hubbard is celebrated each year on his birthday, March 13. Each year, thousands of Scientologists and their guests from some

Studying Study

I've been thinking recently about my high school and college study experiences—what worked, what didn't and where things went off the rails when they

Donald Trump signing document

An American Muslim on the Executive Order Banning Muslims

Featured Contributor Shehla Ahmad says there are many aspects of the executive order which need to be examined. Should we close our doors on

Kindness Inspired by Great American Religious Leaders

Three great religious leaders who inspire random acts of kindness to this day. Individuals and groups across the U.S. are celebrating Random Acts of

Maya Haddad - Devotion

Devotion, Video Series Celebrates Doubt in Faithful People

Interfaith interview series Devotion  examines doubts of the faithful. As a sophomore English major at Loyola Marymount University, I enrolled in World Religions. Our