Spring Cleaning for the Soul

Scientologist David Aden on the therapeutic value of discarding piles of old, worn-out no-longer-needed things. It was time. We had planned our approach. We

Anita Mishook Featured Contributor

Concern About Trump’s Presidency Echo Fears from Woeful 1930s

The eery similarities between 1930s America and today. As Americans of the Islamic faith raise their concerns about the new President’s intentions towards them,

The Most Hypocritical Hour of the Week

Somewhere between leaving church and arriving at lunch, we lose the intentionality of being witnesses for our great God. The alarm goes off on

“Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that” – Dr. King’s Words Still Ring True Today

Featured Contributor Shehla Ahmad reflects on how Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s words are so relevant to today's society. “Hate cannot drive out hate;

David Aden Religious Freedom Day

On Thomas Jefferson’s Legacy and Religious Freedom Day

A Scientologist reflects on the importance of the freedom of religion and belief, its historic roots, and the responsibility of the individual to exercise

Being Pro-Life is Much More Than Voting Against Abortion

Kasi Pruitt explains what being pro-life really means to her, and it is much more than just being against abortion. I am a mom

Religion vs. Religious Freedom

What I Learned from a Knock on the Head

How Scientology counseling unlocks fast perception, awareness, and action. I was riding my Harley home from work a few years ago and a car

Celebrating 40 Years of Unconditional Help—the Scientology Volunteer Minister

Since the program was created in 1976 by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard, Volunteer Ministers from 120 nations have responded to more than 200

Jesus and Mary

6 Facts About Jesus’ Mother Mary Based on the Qur’an

Muslims have great respect for Prophet Jesus and his mother Mary and are inspired by her in many ways. We are passing through the

Tad Reeves Christmas

The Day-to-Day Life of a Scientologist

Tad Reeves of Scientology Parent answers a question he is often asked: how does the life of a Scientologist compare to the way members