A Lifetime of Christmases Has Deepened One Scientologist’s Hope

Christmas has helped Featured Contributor and Scientologist David Aden recognize that faith and hope are the core of all religions. "On the day when

David Aden Parenting

A Scientologist Weighs in on the Challenges of Being a Parent

Do a Scientologist's beliefs impact their views on raising children? Anyone who has been a parent for more than five minutes knows that it

How A Modest Clothing Line is Helping Empower Women

Featured Contributor Zahra Aljabri describes the motivation behind creating her modest fashion shop, Mode-sty, and how she’s helping women across faiths and boundaries. I

David Aden Thanksgiving

How One Scientologist Celebrates Thanksgiving

Featured Contributor David Aden describes how the meaning of Thanksgiving changed for him after becoming a Scientologist. People are often curious about the cultures

True Islam Wants Separation of Mosque and State, Not Sharia Law for All

There is a prevailing false perception amongst the Muslims surveyed that Sharia needs to be imposed upon all citizens regardless of their faith in

On Faith and Aging: One Scientologist’s View

I believe one of Man’s and Woman’s redeeming and more telling qualities is that whenever we begin to discuss aging and its endgame, death,

Straight Outta Context: The 5 Most Misused & Abused Bible Verses

Featured Contributor Shane Pruitt weighs in with the most misused Bible verses and provides the proper context to reference them. In a previous article

Humble Visionary and Silent Revolutionary: Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew Celebrates 25 Years of Service

Photo: N. Manginas Featured Contributor Fr. Dr. John Chryssavgis on how Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has advanced the perennial values of an Orthodox spiritual worldview

Eddie Marie Durham 'While Being a Parent'

How One Mother Found Her Faith in God to Learn How to Raise Her Sons

While Being a Parent  author Eddie Marie Durham shares her experiences, parenting advice, and most of all how to let God be your guide.

7 Heartbreaking Ironies of the American Church

Featured Contributor Shane Pruitt discusses ironies of the church and its followers. In 1995, Alanis Morissette released her song "Ironic", and it was a