6 Non-Generic Ways to Pray for Your Pastor

Featured Contributor Shane Pruitt says pastors need prayers too. What is a Pastor? According to Webster's Dictionary, a Pastor is "a spiritual overseer." That

7 Ways To Reach Students: In Their Own Words

Millennials are people too - they value transparency, authenticity and the "why." Often, when you hear an "expert" speak or write about reaching a

Jalsa Salana

Jalsa Salana Muslim Convention Highlights Positive Contributions to Society

Jalsa Salana U.S.A. National Islamic Convention: promoting spirituality and peace News reports of multiple tragic incidents of violence and terrorism in Germany, France, Belgium,

Scientology Volunteer Ministers after 9/11

Looking Back on 9/11

9/11 was an act of hitherto unimaginable violence. But as we remember Ground Zero New York, let us also recall the heroism and the

How One Mother Who Lost Her Only Child to Heroin is Fighting Back

Featured Contributor Bari Berger shares the story of a mother who insists her son would be alive today if he had had the Church

10 Ways To Pray For Your Child’s Teacher This School Year

Teachers, the second most influential people in a person's life, offer ways to pray for them during the school year. There was once a

A Global Coming of Age: Learning from Our Past to Create a Better Future

Featured Contributor Clifford Michaels reflects on troubled times in history and their parallels to today and suggests how we can move forward to create

Donald Trump Knows Nothing About Muslims

Donald Trump is a real threat to religious harmony and peace in the world. I am an American professor living in the Kingdom of

The Muslim World Needs an Islamic State of Mind, Not Territory

Confronted by this dangerous crisis of leadership, what is the majority of the Muslim community to do if it cannot rely on its leadership?

Has ‘Nostra Aetate’ stood the test of time?

New release from Pim Valkenberg on the 50-year legacy of Nostra Aetate. Written by Joseph Preville and Julie Poucher Harbin for ISLAMiCommentary Has Nostra Aetate –