Bringing Back Mongolia’s Rich History & Culture of Buddhism

The Grand Maitreya project is one of Loving - Kindness for world peace. An ancient tradition for some Mongolian and Tibetan High Buddhist Lamas

Harlem DFW

Church of Scientology Battles Drug Abuse in NYC

Scientology's secular group warns public of dangers associated with synthetic marijuana. The Foundation for a Drug Free World, an organization backed and funded by

SAhmad Dutch Parliament

Justice Is Needed In Society To Achieve World Peace

During an address to the Dutch Parliament, Khalifa of Islam says the answers to the critical issue of world peace can be found in

Being in Love Could Be Helpful For Your Health

Feeling and expressing love has been shown to improve your health. The seven-night Oprah Winfrey television series, Belief airing October 18 - 24, explores

Walk in Park for health

A Walk in the Park Improves Your Health

Spending time outside could be the key to improve your health and overall wellbeing. Throughout history, moments spent strolling through floral paths, even planting

Why the Sharia Law Is So Dangerous for Our World

Image: collage featuring a photo by Thomas Leuthard via CC 2.0 Featured Contributors Abdur Rab and Hasan Mahmud explain how Sharia Law completely violates

Deepa Iyer

Multiracial People are Improving America, but Suffering Life of Racism

Featured Contributors Joseph Preville and Julie Poucher Harbin interview author of We Sing Too America, Deepa Iyer, who discusses racism faced by multiracial people

S Ahmad Stephen Harper

Watch Canadian PM on Islam Faith’s Message of Peace Not Terror

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper delivers puts spotlight on the distinction between ISIS and Islam at an Ahmadiyya Muslim Community event. It was a

Nusrat Qadir Jalsa Salana

Can Centralized Muslim Leadership Be the Secret to Taking Down ISIS?

The Khalifa of Islam, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, says radicalized youth must learn the true teachings of Islam: peace and dedication to humanity.

Suicide Prevention

How Spirituality May Help You Reduce Suicidal Thoughts: National Suicide Prevention Week

For National Suicide Prevention Week, Featured Contributor Keith Wommack shares how spirituality can help you reduce thoughts of emptiness. The tragedy of fifteen-year-old Sadie