Nusrat Qadir Lindsay Lohan

The Quran is meant for everyone, even Hollywood stars like Lindsay Lohan

Featured Contributor Nusrat Qadir examines how the Muslim Holy Book can help Lindsay Lohan. Thanks to pop media culture, many of us are aware

Nusrat Qadir: France Skirting Issue

Dear France, Stop Skirting Around the Real Issue

Featured Contributor Nusrat Qadir responds to a French school's decision to send a 15-year-old girl home from school because her skirt was too long

Scientology Parent Dealing With Cancer

Scientology Helped Us Deal with Our Daughter’s Battle with Cancer

Stephanie and Russ Croman and their three daughters. Scientologist parents Stephanie and Russ Croman describe how going Clear helped them through their daughter's devastating

10 Things About Scientology

10 Things You Should Know About Scientology

Featured Contributor Linda Wieland shares the top 10 facts everyone should know about Scientology. This is a tremendously exciting time to be a Scientologist.

Scientology Parent State Of Clear

My Family and My Life After Going Clear

Featured Contributor and author Tad Reeves interviews a mother of two about how achieving the State of Clear has changed her personal life

Escape Sin

Escape the painful consequences of sin

Featured contributor Keith Wommack describes his experiences with sin and prayer treatment to alleviate minor physical pain. In a recent column, I wrote about

Sectarian Violence

How sectarian violence within Islam hurts the youth

Three young muslim teenagers playing "war games" on the streets in the muslim quarter of the old city of Jerusalem. Robert Hoetink /

Old Testament Klaus Koenig

Time for Change? “The Old Testament – love, murder and blasphemy”

Featured Contributor Klaus Koenig previews his latest book, The Old Testament - love, murder and blasphemy in which he adapts the stories for modern

Abdur Rab One and Unique

What Does God’s Conception as One and Unique Signify?

Featured Contributor Abdur Rab discusses God as One and Unique as well as what it means to be the universe's creator. Abstract: The conception of

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Fallacious

Opinion: Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Arguments Against Islam Are Fallacious

Featured Contributor Huma Munir argues that Ayaan Hirsi Ali's experiences with extremism cannot be used to label every Muslim. In recent days, we have