Why do religious differences disturb us so much?

Instead of focusing on differences in religion being a problem, we should focus on us. Why does difference, especially of religion, disturb us so

Scientology Parent Age of Answers

What “Scientology: Age of Answers” means to a Scientologist parent

Tad Reeves, noted Scientology Parent  blogger, shares his personal interpretation of the new Scientology ad. During the big game, or since, you may have

When You Quit, You Lose: How to face difficult circumstances and persevere

Featured Contributor Keith Wommack gives inspiring advice for the New Year: Don't Quit. The Army Ranger, my nephew, shared details of the extremely tough

Interview with Mark Cohen on Muslim-Jewish relations: history and relevance today

Professor Mark R. Cohen delivering a lecture to a seminar room full of professors and graduate students at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Hindu Ritual performed as part of Martin Luther King, Jr. Interfaith Service in Nevada

From left to right, Jim R. Eaglesmith, Angela D. Taylor, Rajan Zed, Dolores Feemster, Gene Savoy Junior, Rebecca Willis, Michael Hernandez, Second Baptist Church

Arrest Harmful Thoughts

How to Use Spiritual Reasoning to Help Reduce Your Stress

Without spiritual reasoning, life often appears stressful and cruel. But, many around the world are practicing the type of prayerful spiritual logic that allows

Vishnu Beer

Upset Hindus urge withdrawal of Lord Vishnu beer of Brazil

Upset Hindus have urged Brazil based Cervejaria Colorado to apologize and withdraw its India Pale Ale beer carrying the name of Lord Vishnu, calling

Spiritual-Based Healing

Is spiritual-based healing weird?

Featured contributor Keith Wommack explains what may seem like a weird practice to many: spiritual-based healing. Can spiritual-based healing cure you? While in a meeting,

Practical Wisdom in Management Ted Malloch

What Companies Like Chick-fil-A Can Teach Us About Religion’s Influence on Corporate Leadership

Practical Wisdom in Management  explores how practical wisdom from spiritual traditions permeates corporate cultures. The pursuit of knowledge and wisdom may be seen as bestowing

Scientology Perspective on Bullying

A Scientology Perspective on Bullying

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Former NFL player Robert Adams offers his perspective on the problem of bullying. Webster’s defines a bully as