Rabbi Michael Shevack - Israel

Law for Peace: Beyond Palestinian and Israeli Land Claims

The idea hit me as I was driving, through the border from Germany to France: Germany, a separate state? France, a separate state? So,

Ahmadiyya Muslims: “Love for all Hatred for None” By Asifa Kainat

In today’s world where many people are biased about Islam and Muslims, I want to introduce you to the sect of Islam that I

Happy Holidays: The Real War on Christmas by Dr. Arik Greenberg

Over the last couple of years, I’ve heard the phrase “The war on Christmas” invoked more and more frequently. Often, it comes from the

Documentary Showcase on Scientology Network Draws Back Curtain on World of Child Sex Trafficking by Rebecca Blair

The documentary featured on this week’s Scientology Network Documentary Showcase December 6 at 8 p.m. is Operation Toussaint, a film that reveals the stark

1992 map of Kurdish inhabited area in the Middle East

An Angry Kurdish Voice by Ceko Kurd

Editor’s Note: Most Americans know little or nothing about the Kurds, except perhaps that recently, the United States and Kurds were allied in the

Marie-Paul Baxiu

Falun Gong: A Reply to Chinese Oppression (Interview)

The Communist regime in China has a long history of religious suppression which began in the 1950s when Mao Zedong drove missionaries out of

In His Own Words, Mind Travel by Murray Hidary

MindTravel is an immersive music and meditation experience company created by composer and concert pianist Murray Hidary (you can check him out on his


I didn’t get it for a long time by Judy Knotts

It makes perfect sense. Still, I didn’t get it for a long time. Eventually, I learned that homeless people—at least the many, many I

The Missionary Who Became a Superhero By Randolph Dobbs

There must be some kind of missionary muscle some people develop during the course of their religious service. Nayyereh Aminian would become a virtual

From Minister to Atheist to Believer Again: The Story of Teresa MacBain

How to Widen the Eyes of Sinners By Ray Comfort

I‘ve always been desperate to reach the lost and, because of that, I’m continually pleading with God to save them. Their fate weighs heavily