Rabbi Michael Shevack - Israel

Educating Israel: The True Return of Our People by Rabbi Michael Shevack

In this, the final article on my series “Re-JEW-venating the Jew”, I would like to propose something very bold. Actually, it is not very

Taking a chainsaw to fallen trees in North Carolina

One Mother’s Calling as a Disaster Response Volunteer

How one Scientologist got started as a Volunteer Minister and how it's improved her life and the lives of those around her. Kirstie is

Enlightened Judaism: A Spiritual Algorithm by Rabbi Michael Shevack

Enlightened Judaism: A Spiritual Algorithm by Rabbi Michael Shevack

The spiritual insights that will merge out of this algorithm can be systematically taught and cultured to bring about a new Jewish Enlightenment. In

Protest Ensues After Two Women Under Age 50 Enter the Sabarimala Temple

Hindu nationalists are hell bent to scuttle the Supreme Court judgment. Two women devotees, Kanakadurga and Bindu, created history in Kerala, the south Indian

An Ahmadi Muslim’s Message on Christmas

Christmas is a joyous time for Christians all around the world. People's faces shine with excitement on Christmas. Decorations and adornments can be seen

Aaradhya Sharma

Aaradhya’s India: The Whole World Is Our Family

A 7-year-old girl shares her pride in her home country, India, in a video posted to Facebook. Scientologist Wayne Hanson, a regular contributor to

Video of Racist Bullying in Huddersfield is Not Shocking… It Happened to Me Too

There is ample evidence that media coverage of Muslims and Islam is disproportionately negative. I was deeply disturbed by viral footage of a young

Celebrating Thanksgiving as an Ahmadi Muslim

Thanksgiving is an opportunity to reflect on the blessings bestowed upon us. Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated here in North America. On this day

Joseph Preville Elaine Pagels

An Interview with Elaine Pagels on Her New Book “Why Religion?”

Elaine Pagels discusses what led her to explore religious history and how her life experiences were interwoven with her work. Princeton University Professor Elaine

Re-JEW-venating the JEW: Bad Theo-LOGIC by Rabbi Michael Shevack

Re-JEW-venating the JEW: Bad Theo-LOGIC by Rabbi Michael Shevack

It’s time to finish up our discussion of those core theo-logical confusions that must be corrected if we’re going to re-JEW-venate the contemporary Jew.