Sharon Kim

Improving Your Mental Health: How to Get Centered

Featured Contributor Sharon Kim shows how to get to the root of negative self talk. Sometimes the key to getting centered is re-evaluating what's

Sharon Kim

Let Go of Heavy Expectations to See Where God Leads You

Featured Contributor Sharon Kim on expectations and faith's journey. Man, I’ve been feeling the weight of my expectations a lot in my relationship with

Considering Interfaith Relations Between Jews, Christians, and Muslims: An Interview with Patrick J. Ryan, S.J.

What binds Jews, Christians, and Muslims together in a family of faith and friendship? Rev. Patrick J. Ryan, S.J. considers this question in his

New American Judaism: How American Jews are Breathing New Life into Their Communities [Interview]

American Jews are now far more inclined to approach Jewish religious practice selectively and idiosyncratically. How are American Jews breathing new life and vitality

Reason vs. Revelation by Rabbi Michael Shevack

Reason vs. Revelation by Rabbi Michael Shevack

For one thousand years, Jews, if not many religious people, have been stuck in intellectual chaos. The chaos began innocently enough.  There was some

Sharon Kim

The Battle to Give Up Short Term Desires for Long Term Promises

In order to see someone’s true character, you need to see how they live when the lights are off. I honestly think that in

Was Prophet Muhammad Really Illiterate? An Interview with Juan Cole

Joseph Richard Preville interviews Juan Cole about his new book, Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires. Prophet Muhammad was one of

Safeguarding the Secular State in an Era of Religious Extremism

After the 2016 terrorist attacks, the Ministry of Social Development was established to safeguard secularism and monitor and counteract subversive religious practices. Kazakhstan is

The Origin And Cure Of Anti-Semitism in Europe

The Path Toward Peace Lies In Forgiveness Numerous recent news reports show that Europe is experiencing a resurgence in anti-Semitism. A Syrian-Palestinian refugee in

Rabbi Michael Shevack

Re-JEW-venating the Jew: Formulas for Authority

The authoritative limits of "democracy" under Transcendent Reason have been pushed to the breaking point: Whose Reason should I follow? For those Jews who