EXCLUSIVE: WorldReligionNews.com Same-Sex Marriage Poll Results: 75% Of Americans Support It

WorldReligionNews.com ran a U.S. citizen targeting poll using organic search and paid social to determine how Americans feel about same-sex marriage. The results may

Vishavjit Singh Captain America

Interview with Vishavjit Singh, Sikh Captain America Challenging Stereotypes

Vishavjit Singh, "Sikh Captain America," is a software engineer, cartoonist, and champion against stereotypes. Singh has faced stereotypes his entire life, especially after 9/11,

Rainn Wilson

Interview with Rainn Wilson on Why He Left Baha’i Faith – and Then Came Back

Actor Rainn Wilson, most well-known from his character Dwight Schrute on The Office, has become an unofficial leader for the Baha'i Faith in America.

New #InTheirOwnWords Interviews: Louis Farrakhan, Minerva G. Carcano, and Koichi Barrish

Continuing our #InTheirOwnWords series, today we have three new archived interviews available with Louis Farrakhan, Minerva G. Carcano, and Koichi Barrish. In this interview

Louis Farrakhan

Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam Leader, Talks about Religious and Racial Divides in America

The current leader of Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan is interviewed about issues Muslims face in America and throughout the world. In this interview

Interview with United Methodist Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño on Immigration Reform and How Methodists Can Support It

An outspoken advocate for immigrants and reform, United Methodist Bishop is interviewed by FaithLink. The first Hispanic female bishop in the episcopacy of The

Rev Koichi Barrish

First Non-Japanese Shinto Priest Rev. Koichi Barrish Discusses his Faith

In this interview with Susan Barber, Rev. Koichi Barrish discusses being the first non-Japanese Shinto priest and many beliefs of the Shinto faith. Reverend

New #InTheirOwnWords Interviews: Gerald Gartner, Joseph Smith, and Mirza Masroor Ahmad

Continuing our #InTheirOwnWords series, today we have three new archived interviews available with Gerald Gartner, Joseph Smith, and Mirza Masroor Ahmad. Gerald Gardner, the

Gerald Gardner

Gerald Gardner Defends Wicca Against False Opinions in Interview

Gerald Gardner, the founder of modern Gardnerian Wicca, defends his faith in witchcraft against centuries of bad light in this Montreal Gazette Interview. Gerald

Joseph Smith Recalls Revelation from God in 1843 Nauvoo Interview

Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is interviewed at his home in 1843. The prophet Joseph Smith discusses